Normal (non-cancerous) tissue has a blood supply that is under the control of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS can either increase or decrease blood flow to cells. Abnormal (cancerous and pre-cancerous) tissue, on the other hand, ensures its own survival by secreting chemicals that override this ANS regulation, thereby ensuring its own steady blood supply. Cancer can be thought of as being “off the power grid” of the body.
When the hands are placed in cold water, an ANS reflex occurs in the breasts. Generally speaking, this reflex causes the blood vessels in non-cancerous tissue to constrict, but does not result in constriction of blood vessels supplying cancerous tissues. The resulting difference in blood flow can result in cancer showing up as “hot spots” on thermograms.
Scientific signs and criteria established by the American Academy of Thermology are used to interpret thermogram data.
Breast Thermology does not diagnose breast cancer; rather it
detects physiological changes in breast tissue that have been shown to correlate
with the presence of cancer or pre-cancerous states. Breast cancer is diagnosed
by pathologists’ microscopic examination of breast tissue.